Doing Hard Things

Why do I always find myself doing hard, hard things? Because that's life.

It is my experience that spiritual growth is a result of doing hard things.

Secular vs Soul Spirituality:

Secular Spirituality teaches “I can ‘quantum physics’ my existence and by using my own internal power, I am able to use the ‘laws of attraction’ to manipulate life to get the exact outcome I want my life to be, to create the life I deserve.”

Soul spirituality teaches “I can only control myself, my actions and my growth. I cannot control life. Life does not bend to my will but rather life requires that I am the one that must bend to change and transform. I must learn to flow, and I must accept that I may never get what I want, desire and deserve. That’s not the point of life.”

Secular spirituality is depressing, especially when you don’t get what you tried to attract, your life doesn’t match what you “quantumed”. You are the failure of your failed life because life confirms you weren’t able to create /get the life you wanted.

Soul Spirituality is hard but comforting, that no matter how life turns out you are going to be fine, because you have learned to yield, bend and have not been broken. You are different and have gained wisdom and courage that nothing can take away.

Soul spirituality fixes depression, because there is no finite proof of success. There is only a flexible strength with purpose that pushes you to keep going.


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