Finding Freedom

I came to life with a literal strapping around my heart. It was there to protect me. But now it is what binds me. I am not free.

How to untether the tensions that bind ? Through slow repetitive unsexy non-flashy, undocumentable on IG and social media.

He draws you in word to what lies beneath calls to you through the fibers of your being. Are you listening?

Are you able to choose? Are you able to take action to make options rather than being run by programming?

True and lasting change, metamorphosis and evolution, happens in the dark corners in the quiet recesses of your body and mind where no one can see except you.

Be a witness to your growth. Do you witness your healing and be a witness to your life. Living from the inside out, not being outside in.

This is what untethers the straps of tension that bind us and hold us captive. Bound and tethered is not free.

No, Flow Without Flow, there is static septic tension that turns into depression and disease. Will you choose to be free?

Fascia Flows




Creating Balance through what’s Opposite